Anti-aging health care products of wolfberry and wolfberry extract


1, anti-lipid peroxidation damage When aging, endogenous oxygen free radicals produce increased or remove the ability to weaken, or even both, oxygen free radicals damage the body, gradually aging. In the aspect of oxygen free radical injury, lipid peroxidation is the most obvious. Zoo a review of “free radicals and their combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine”, which mentioned the anti-lipid peroxidation injury of wolfberry. They cited reports from Jianhao and others that “electrical stimulation and low doses of gamma-ray irradiation in rats can significantly increase the content of lipid peroxides (LPO) in the spleen and cerebral cortex.” Intraperitoneal injection of Wolfberry polysaccharide (one of the active ingredients in the extract of wolfberry) can significantly reduce the content of LPO in experimental animal tissue, and its increased content indicates an increase in lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation is induced by oxygen free radicals, lipid peroxidation products such as lipid peroxidation free radicals can not only damage the biofilm, but also damage proteins, enzymes and nucleic acids, lipids (elderly spots) is the product of lipid peroxide and protein binding, wolfberry can resist lipid peroxidation,
It is shown that its active components are directly or indirectly involved in the removal of oxygen free radicals or reduce their damage. Zhang Xi and Sheshenchun in the experimental study on the anti-oxidation effect of wolfberry polysaccharide, through the test of the electrical function of the oocytes of the claw toad, it is observed that free radicals can reduce the time parameters of membrane electron parameters such as resting membrane potential (mV), membrane impedance (rm/mq) and marker membrane resistance value, indicating that the membrane lipids have caused oxidative damage, The addition of wolfberry polysaccharide or superoxide dismutase (SOD) to remove superoxide free radicals can make these electronic parameters close to normal. Another role of wolfberry is to increase the body’s sod, indirectly promote the removal of oxygen free radicals. Anti-lipid peroxidation injury of wolfberry may be the theoretical basis of the health function of Wolfberry.

It provides a basis for the application of wolfberry and health care medicine.
2, anti-aging Experiments show that wolfberry and its extracts have anti-aging effect. such as Li Chaowu and other reviews of the anti-aging research of wolfberry and its active ingredients, it is pointed out that wolfberry and its active ingredients can increase sod activity and anti-aging in the elderly, and can stabilize the genetic material of the elderly cells and anti-aging, and can regulate the immune function of the body and anti-aging. In addition, they also mentioned that wolfberry contains a wealth of vitamin C and beta-carotene, but also played a role in delaying aging. The wolfberry contains the trace elements needed by the human body also has anti-aging effect. Lee and other proofs of the elderly oral wolfberry after the body sod activity is significantly higher than before taking, hemoglobin content is significantly increased than before taking, and lipid peroxidation value content is significantly lower than before taking, suggesting that wolfberry can enhance the body’s ability to remove oxygen free radicals, and can reduce lipid peroxidation so as to resist aging.
Daishou and other polysaccharides were found to prolong the average life span of mice and housefly. Chite and others observed the changes of sister staining monomer Interchange (SCE) frequency and lymphocyte proliferation activity after 30 healthy elderly people took wolfberry (50g daily), and selected 14 healthy young people as control, the results suggested that taking wolfberry to maintain the normal development of cells, Improving the ability to repair DNA and promoting the reversal of aging cells in the direction of youth all play a beneficial effect. The DNA repair and synthesis ability of 19 elderly people with anterior and posterior peripheral lymphocytes of oral wolfberry was determined by using non-program DNA synthesis and ultraviolet radiation as the damage agent. In statistical processing, the difference has been proved to be very significant.
The effects of oral wolfberry on some blood indexes of the elderly were studied by Daishou and others, and it was proved that the wolfberry did have the effect of reversing some of the reflected functional indexes in the blood to the young direction.
3. Improve the immune function of the body When the body ages, immune function decreases, wolfberry and its extracts can resist aging, which can theoretically improve the immune function of the body.
Li Chaowu and other in the article has mentioned that wolfberry can regulate the body’s immune function and anti-aging, such as pointing out that wolfberry polysaccharide has the role of promoting the body’s immune function. Qian Yuqun observed that 20 elderly people took wolfberry anti-decay agent 3 weeks later, more than 2/3 of older people T cell conversion function increased by an average of 3.28 times times, lymphocyte factor IL-2 activity increased by an average of 2.28 times times, the effect of long service is better. Yingkinzhu and other observed that wolfberry also had a certain regulating effect on the response of serum IgG antibodies in mice. Shang and others pointed out that after taking Wolfberry products, the serum immunoglobulin IgM, IgG, IGA are increased, proving that wolfberry can indeed improve the body’s immune function.
In the preliminary clinical observation of the extract of Wolfberry in Ningxia, Li Dongyang also pointed out that wolfberry can improve the non-specificity and specific immunity of the human body, and believes that the extract of wolfberry can be used as an immune adjuvant for clinical use.
4, anti-tumor Improve the immune function of the body, to a certain extent, can resist tumors. Wang Bakun and other observed the effect of wolfberry polysaccharide on cellular immune function and tumor suppressor in mice with S180 tumor, and pointed out that wolfberry polysaccharide could obviously improve the proliferative reaction of spleen lymphocytes induced by knife bean (ConA) in normal mice, and compared with the control group, it increased by about 230%,
The immune function of S180-tumor mouse cells increased more obviously, and its tumor suppressor rate was 47%. Chromosomes are carriers of genetic information in eukaryotic cells. The so-called Sister staining Monomer Interchange (SCE) refers to the chromosome of two sister chromatids between the homologous complete, symmetrical exchange. SCE is a product of DNA damage, repair, and DNA during replication, representing a reaction to DNA damage in cells, as well as a marker for judging DNA damage and repair capabilities. The concentration of Mitomycin G (MMC) induced by genetic damage was positively correlated with the dose response of SCE frequency with SCE frequency as the index of Wang Muta. The frequency of SCE after oral wolfberry was significantly lower in the elderly than before oral, and the frequency of spontaneous SCE was similar to that of young people, and the frequency of SCE was significantly reduced, even lower than that of young people.
The Wolfberry has anti-MMC induced SCE effect, showing its anticancer properties.

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